Thursday, December 18, 2008

Blog Determination

Once I created this blog (something I held off doing for many years) I still could not figure out what I wanted to talk about or for that matter what people would want to read about that. There are already blogs that cover nearly every subject imaginable so starting a new one would just be begging to get lost in a sea of mediocre blogging.

Then I started to think about what blogging is for many who do it, a place to rant and rave about what truly griefs you. This led me to decide to start my blog out reviewing web sites like others review movies. I plan to do them all too, forum reviews, torrent sites, big business, entertainment and definitely news. Sure, there are blogs and even full sites that do this already I'm quite sure but its what I want to do so I'm doing it.

Lets be honest, Everyone has web sites they frequent that piss them off and I do to so I'm gonna let the world know what I've found to be their biggest problems and what they might do to fix them. (not that they'll care) ^^ So why should you read about it? Well, probably because I have a realistic sense of humor and spend every day surfing for great justice. That said, I'm going to start off my first blog tomorrow with a review about the web itself and my impression of it after spending a decade online, so don't miss it.

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